James Allcott

It is incredibly exciting to have started working with James to provide strategy, ideas & packaging for his YouTube channel.
Key to our future success will be:
- Views and watch time growth
- Accelerating subscriber numbers
- Elevating his already excellent videos to another level whilst remaining true to the existing tone and values his community expect
James reached out as he was suffering from every creator's worst nightmare... A 10/10 in the YouTube Studio app. James and his team put multiple days scripting, filming and editing a video to celebrate Lionel Messi winning the World Cup, one year on from that moment. We know a lot of time and resource goes into making these videos, and there is no worse feeling than seeing content underperform.
From assessing the analytics, it became clear that the packaging was not effectively conveying the story of the video or enticing people to click. Our thumbnail redesign and change of title has seen the video take a tremendous upturn.

These small changes can have a huge impact, as you can see from the data on View Stats website below. The black pencil at the bottom of the graph shows exactly when that changed was implemented, and it is a delight to see the views (red line) rocket up from that point.
I am also pleased to report that in 2024 we have seen a 10% increase in views per video compared vs the channel average views per video in 2023. A big year ahead for this channel!